Wind Dream Meanings

Wind Dream Meaning: From 36 Different Sources

Wind Dream Interpretation

Universal Landscape: The movement of collective thought; ideas.

Dreaming Lens: Was there wind blowing in your dream or an absence of wind? How hard was it blowing? Were there strong gusts or was it a steady force? Did it have an affect on your balance or ability to move? Was it blowing in the direction you wanted to go or was it going against you? Did anything blow away?

Personal Focus: The wind is like the constant flow of thoughts and ideas in our minds. If you think of the Earth as the collective consciousness of all the beings that live on it, the wind would be akin to the ceaseless stream of information that passes through our heads. We may not always be aware of it, but it is a constant force to which we are forever adjusting. It is only when it changes suddenly that we tend to notice it. It can vary in intensity from a pleasant breeze to a howling gust. However, like all forms of weather, it never stops and it blows where it wants without any concern for how we feel about which way it is moving.

Air represents the intellect, so its movement is symbolic for the direction of our thinking. Like the wind, thoughts often flow through our minds in a ceaseless fashion that seems unstoppable. These thoughts can push us in certain directions in life. Sometimes we go with the flow, whereas other times we resist and push ourselves against the direction the winds of thought are blowing. Since we all experience the same wind at any given moment, what becomes important to notice is your individual response to it. A gentle breeze could be either pleasant or uncomfortable depending on the temperature. Dramatic gusts can be exciting for some people, while others may find them maddening.

The behavior of the wind in your dream and your response to it will provide you with an accurate interpretation. The strength of the wind is indicative of the amount of power some life circumstance is exerting over you. Your movement with regard to its direction will illuminate whether you are being supported by your choices or meeting resistance. A constant wind could mean there is an obsessive thought pattern running through your mind. This can be very creative when they are affirmative thoughts of creative manifestation. However, compulsive obsession is one of the most destructive activities the mind can engage in. It can take your life in directions that don’t serve you. The more fear present in the dream, the more likely you are facing something that needs your attention. Identify what life situation is in the process of shifting. The winds of change are powerful and unpredictable. Your dream may be an assessment of how you are responding to the things you cannot control.

Wind Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: In dreams, wind symbolizes the intellect. It will depend on the force of the wind how we interpret the dream.

For instance, a breeze would suggest gentleness and pleasure.

An idea or concept we have is beginning to move us.

A gale might indicate a principle we feel passionately about, whereas a north wind might suggest a threat to our security. Actually being in a gale indicates that we are being buffeted by circumstances that we feel are beyond our control. We are allowing those outside circumstances to create problems for us when actually we may need to look at what we are doing and either take shelter – to withdraw from the situation – or battle through to some form of sanctuary. When we experience a hurricane in a dream, we are sensing the force of an element in our lives that is beyond our control. We may feel we are being swept along by circumstances – or possibly someone’s passion – and are powerless to resist. You might also like to consult the entry for breeze.

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Wind Dream Interpretation

(see Air, Fan, Whistle)

Strong winds or storm winds reveal powerful forces at work in your life, some of which may cause confusion about your direction and path.

Change and movement, which often meets with some turbulence before positive transformations occur.

A sign of latent psychic abilities developing.

In Christian theology, the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Angry winds are often considered a sign of evil or negativity. Note that Lucifer is called the Prince of the Power of the Air, and in the Koran, demons control stormv winds (see Monsters).

Howling winds: In folklore, this portends either trouble on the horizon, or an unsettled spirit (see Ghost).

Anciently an emblem of the masc uline nature, with the four directions becoming a natural wheel or cross that later became the weather vane.

Weather vanes that show which way the wind blows are an alternative emblem for both a wheel and a cross, indicating the originating source of energy or problems.

Dream Source: The Language of Dreams

Wind Dream Interpretation

To dream of the wind suggests unsettled emotions and indecisiveness, but it may also indicate intellect and the beginnings of self-awareness. You may feel the need to make changes in your life. How you interpret the dream will depend on the force of the wind. For instance, a breeze would suggest gentleness and the beginnings of a new idea. A gale might represent something about which we feel strongly and the north wind would suggest a threat to security.

If smoke is carried on the air, obscuring your view, you should consider the implications. In waking life, are you being forced into a situation in which you are being forced to reconsider ideas that you previously refused to contemplate? See also SPACE AND SCIENCE; WEATHER.

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

Wind Dream Interpretation

also see Gale and Hurricane

1- In dreams, the wind symbolises the intellect. It will depend on the force of the wind how we interpret the dream.

For instance, a breeze would suggest gentleness and pleasure.

An idea or concept we have is beginning to move us.

A gale might indicate a principle we feel passionately about, whereas a north wind might suggest a threat to our security.

2- On a slightly more psychological level, wind in a dream can suggest the beginning of a new, much deeper awareness of ourselves. Just as the Holy Spirit in Christianity was said to be ‘a mighty rushing wind’, so such a dream can represent a Divine revelation of some sort.

3- 1’he Power of the Spirit and the movement of Life.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary

Wind Dream Interpretation

To dream of the wind blowing softly and sadly upon you, signifies that great fortune will come to you through bereavement.

If you hear the wind soughing, denotes that you will wander in estrangement from one whose life is empty without you.

To walk briskly against a brisk wind, foretells that you will courageously resist temptation and pursue fortune with a determination not easily put aside.

For the wind to blow you along against your wishes, portends failure in business undertakings and disappointments in love.

If the wind blows you in the direction you wish to go you will find unexpected and helpful allies, or that you have natural advantages over a rival or competitor.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Wind Dream Interpretation

The wind in your dream could be symbolic of your own spirit or the life force.

The wind may represent changes in your life.

The greater the force of the wind, the grater the change.

A very gusty wind could represent stress and turmoil but also the energy that you need or have to make changes.

The sound of the wind and the movement of objects around you are probably what alert you to the wind in the dream, rather than a sensation of wind on your skin (most people don’t have tactile experiences in their dreams).

The sound of the wind is considered by some to be special because it is a sound of nature and has spiritual significance.

Dream Source: The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Wind Dream Interpretation

A violent wind could be synonymous with a threat to your plans. Your projects are not stable and are fighting a war that was lost from the start. If, in contrast, you dream of a light breeze, it is a sign that your conscious is changing in an appropriate manner. The wind blows in your favor, which signifies that your objectives are being accomplished and that you have gained recognition with others. On the other hand, the wind can also be a manifestation of imbalance and the inconsistency of your emotions.

It is possible that you need a change.

Dreaming of wind foretells problems. However, as a result, you will bring happiness to someone.

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

Wind Dream Interpretation

Things may be changing rapidly. Your thoughts may be increasing in their intensity. These two notions may or may not be related, as wind has several connotations in symbolism. Anything connected to the air or sky correlates with the intellect and the realm of thoughts. Wind is an increase in the movement of this area of consciousness and therefore will always relate to how you are thinking about your world.

The phrase “the winds of change” will also feature strongly in any dream that has wind in it, as increased gustiness has the capacity to alter things quite dramatically.

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Wind Dream Interpretation

The wind represents movement, and the type of movement involved is dictated by the circumstances.

Dreaming of being out in a cold, blustery wind implies having to take action under adverse circumstances.

Dreaming of a calm, gentle wind that caresses your face is reassurance that you are surrounded by people who deeply love and care for you.

A brisk, steady breeze portends success in business enterprises.

Being caught up in an extreme form of wind such as a cyclone or tornado is a warning to get your affairs in order now if you don’t want to have a lot of trouble later.

Dream Source: Dream Explanations of Astro Center

Wind Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: On a slightly more psychological level, wind in a dream can suggest the beginning of a new, much deeper awareness of ourselves. Since wind in a dream often denotes spiritual matters, if we are conscious of a gale or strong wind we may be taking ourselves too seriously. We are allowing those forces within us, that will lead us forward of their own accord to something else, to have too much meaning.

A hurricane can represent the power of our own passion, or passionate belief, which picks us up and carries us along.

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Wind Dream Interpretation

(1) The wind may symbolize turbulent emotion, conscious or unconscious.

(2) If the wind is moving dust or debris it may symbolize a possibility of, or need for change in your lifestyle or self-image.

(3) In religious symbolism wind represents (Holy) Spirit, which in psychological terms may be understood as an inner energy that can lift you from depression to joy or from mundane and material interests to a ‘higher’ (or ‘deeper5!) level of consciousness.

See also Whirlwind.

Dream Source: A Dictionary of Dream Symbols

Wind Dream Interpretation

Wind signifies the power of the spirit and the movement of life. Just as the holy spirit in christianity was said to be ‘a mighty rushing wind’, so such a dream can represent a divine revelation of some sort.

A gale can be symbolic of the spirit we have within us.

The intensity and power of our spiritual belief is depicted by a hurricane – an unpredictable force.

To be winding something up, such as a clock, suggests that we are priming ourselves for action.

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Wind Dream Interpretation

If you felt a brisk steady breeze in your dream, it is a good omen for all your current concerns; but if it came in intermittent gusts, it portends some periods of frustration and delay to be overcome.

A gentle wind predicts approaching good news; a stormy gale forecasts hard work ahead; and to dream of being buffeted by a strong wind indicates that you will have to fight some tough and probably tricky competition to get what you want.

Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

Wind Dream Interpretation

As the movement of air, wind bnngs about a change in life’s circumstances and direction, and reflects a change in thinking. Wind from the east signifies a change in spiritual view. Wind from the south expresses soul transformation.

A westward wand reflects a change of emotions, and a northern wind denotes a change in understanding.

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

Wind Dream Interpretation

Wind represents changes in your life.

The greater the force of the wind, the greater the change in your life.

A very gusty wind could represent the stress and turmoil in your life, but also the energy that you need to make changes. Hearing the sound of the wind in your dreams is considered spiritually significant.

Dream Source: Tryskelion Dream Interpretation

Wind Dream Interpretation

1. A problem is uncontrollable, but walking on through the wind suggests that one has the ability to solve the problem.

2. Fiercely blowing wind indicates the need for a change in one’s life, either business or personal.

3. If wind is fiercely blowing into one, dreamer is facing adversity.

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

Wind Dream Interpretation

To dream of the wind blowing represents the your life force, vigor, and energy.

It is a reflection of any changes in your waking life.

To see gusty or strong winds is a representation of trouble and inner turmoil. There is much anxiety in your waking life.

Dream Source: Dream Symbols and Analysis

Wind Dream Interpretation

The movement of consciousness or mind; the hidden influences in our life; ideas and conceptions which move us. Flying with the wind: uplift of sexual energies into the mind to become a wider view or an integration of experience; uplift - ment.

See tornado.

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Wind Dream Interpretation

See Storm, Hurricane. Here the spirits of the air are being addressed. They personify intellect or spirit.

The wind can also mean an idea or a new understanding.

If it conveys a sense of fresh air, something new is going to happen.

See Air, Breath.

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Wind Dream Interpretation

Wind in a dream represents the dreamer’s energy for starting new projects and taking new paths in life. How strong the wind is suggests how willing the dreamer is to take her life in new directions (strong wind = very open to change).
Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Wind Dream Interpretation

(See Zephyr), Wind soughing through the trees portrays estrangement from the person you love the best If you dream of being buffeted by the wind, it is a sign of d is appointment in love.
Dream Source: The Complete Dream Book

Wind Dream Interpretation

Wind in a dream may represent turmoil in the dreamer’s emotions. It can also indicate the energy available for launching in new directions in life.
Dream Source: Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia

Wind Dream Interpretation

Dreams of wind are a symbol of divine will, change, mysterious blessings and creative inspiration that is moving and influencing you.

See Tornado.

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Wind Dream Interpretation

interpreted upon 9 sides: good news & effectiveness, wealth, death & punishment & killing & sickness, recovery, comfort.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik

Wind Dream Interpretation

A moderate breeze is a dream of joyful tidings; strong winds augur crosses in love and in all matters (Gypsy).
Dream Source: The Fabric of Dream

Wind Dream Interpretation

Symbolic of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:2.

A stormy or scorching wind is symbolic of troubles, Ps. 55:8, Jer. 4:11-12

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Wind Dream Interpretation

You hear wild wind roar: you’ll hear a message from afar • You feel wind tug your garment: you may get sick
Dream Source: Chine Dream Interpretation

Wind Dream Interpretation

Good news is coming; the stronger the gale of Wind, the sooner you may expect good fortune.
Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Wind Dream Interpretation

According to type, i.E. Empty talk; boasting; if destructive, research type
Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Wind Dream Interpretation

Change. Strong wind is big changes; light wind is small ones.
Dream Source: The Dream Books Symbols

Wind Dream Interpretation

To dream of roaring winds, is a warning to draw in your business pursuits, as you are speculating on too extensive a scale. To dream of gentle breezes, denotes happiness in married life.
Dream Source: The Mystic Dream Book

Wind Dream Interpretation

(Blow; Changing course; Hurricane; Storm; Trap; Tornado; Wonder) In a dream, winds represent the person in authority or the leader. In that sense, winds in a dream represent the sphere of one’s control and his power to change things, or to maneuver people’s interests. Winds in a dream also may represent a leader, his army, commands and helpers. Wind was once one of the servants of God’s Prophet Solomon, upon whom be peace, as it moved under his command by God’s leave.

A stormy wind in a dream may represent calamities, destruction, or plagues.

A tornado in a dream means destruction or a calamity. On the other hand, wind in a dream may also mean pollination, good harvest, prosperity, victory, or success. However, winds in a dream also represent illness, rheumatism, sneezing, aching, or headaches, etcetera. Ifone sees the wind carrying him and transporting him from one place to another with no fear on his part, and if there are no clouds or darkness in the skies in the dream, it means that he may preside over people, should he qualify for that, or if he wished to do so, or it could represent his business success, or that he will liquidate his merchandise, should it be stagnant or unsalable.

If the winds lift someone who is seized by fear or tyranny, and if the winds carry with them dark clouds, or a cloud of dust in the dream, and if the person is travelling when he sees the dream, it means that he will face great difficulties.

If he is ill, then his illness will intensify, or it could mean that some higher order will persecute him, or perhaps ajudge will rule against him.

If one sees a huge tornado or a tropical storm carrying people, trees, homes, or cattle in the air to scatter them over its path of destruction, then it represents a major plague, or a calamity affecting that region. Poisonous winds or polluted air in a dream represent a feverish illness.

A stormy wind accompanied with thunder in a dream represents a tyrant.

If the wind carries someone from one place to another in the dream, it means that he may travel there, but he may never return to his homeland.

A gentle wind or a breeze in a dream represents grace and blessings for the people and the land.

A storm of dust in a dream represents destruction in the land. However, winds in a dream always represent tidings from God Almighty.

If the wind is not accompanied with a good witness or a cheering element in the dream, then it means cessation of blessings for that land. Ifthe wind is accompanied with a stridulous or a shrill sound in the dream, it means a severe punishment for that place.

If a general of an army sees himself leading his soldiers and is preceded by a stormy wind in a dream, it means that he will be victorious and that he will triumph over his enemy. However, if a storm faces him at his arrival to the battlefield in the dream, it means that he will lose his battle.

If one sees a storm uprooting the trees in his dream, it means that the government of that land will mass murder its own people.

A southern wind in a dream means illness, diseases, or death.

A southern wind is sometimes interpreted as rain and prosperity.

If one witnesses a slow moving wind in his dream, it means that he will consent to the actions of a group of evildoing people.

If the wind blows from a known direction in the dream, it means mercy and blessings, or that one may receive good news from that direction. Winds in a dream also mean asking for one’s needs, or fulfilling them.

A gentle breeze in a dream, represents travel andjoy. Ifone sees the wind colored red in the dream, it represents a recalcitrant child.

(Also see Fan)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Wind Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 05-06-07-08-18-29

battling with the: rapid success of your own hopes, if you face difficulties head on.

blowing: are forewarned, litigation wil take untiring energy and attending success.

away a boat’s sail: approaching emotional turmoil; future conditions wil improve.

breeze, being out in a gentle: wil be insulted by a man with poor manners.

enjoying a, at night: a gift is received from a stranger.

own hat away: a suitable time for business transactions with strangers.

soft cooling, a: take this inspiration and run with it.

strong: pul yourself together; show some spunk in your speculations.

candle in the: wil receive an inheritance or promotion at work.

gale, being in a: financial gains if you plod careful y and ingeniously with every step.

on a ship during a strong: wil realize high ambitions, battered but undaunted.

in a small boat: financial troubles and losses.

mystic: start of a new adventure only you can travel on.

not blowing at all: a need for recovery from the dashed hopes of a cherished wish.

ship battling against the: you wil discover a secret.

sinking a vessel: money wil come easily from successful speculation.

strong, of a: have the energy resources within you to move mountains.

swirling around you: consider previously refused ideas.

walking with the: abundant means through the support of friends.

against: agony at the hands of tormenting competitors.

tingling: wil be insulted by a man with poor manners.

west, being in the woods and feeling a: modesty.

31 dream interpretation about wind related.

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1. Time passing.2. Longing for tranquility. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

(See Fart)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

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Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

1. Bravery.2. Desire to see things clearly.3. One has the ability to clarify a situation and shed some perspective on an issue. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

1. Change or upheaval.2. Violence.3. Fear of self-destruction.4. Lost opportunities. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

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Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

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Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

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Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

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Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

A window seat may represent a place to contemplate your fate or future. It may signify the need to wait for a messenger or for someone to arrive in order to fulfill a promise. It m...

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

A window with many panes may appear in a dream to point out the “pain” in looking out at something negative that is happening in the neighborhood or the world, or it may repres...

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

Vision: Feeling a warm, soft wind: let go of the daily grind for now and indulge in the softer side of life.A sharp, strong wind: find strength within you and the hurdles can be t...

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The meaning of a locked door or locked window depends on which side you were on in the dream.If you were locked in, you may expect a change of location in your life.If you were loc...

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To see window wipers in your dream represents your ability to clarify a situation and shed some perspective on an issue....

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Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

Altered reality....

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