Traffic light Dream Meanings

Traffic Light Dream Meaning: From 3 Different Sources

traffic-light image

Traffic light Dream Interpretation

To see a traffic light in your dream, suggests that you feel you are being held back from pursuing your goals. You may also feel pressure to succeed or else be left behind.

If the traffic light is green, then it indicates that you have been given a seal of approval to follow whatever path you have chosen or whatever decision you have made.

If the traffic light is flashing all different colors, you are feeling much confusion over which direction you should proceed to achieve your interests.

If the traffic light is red, this suggests that you need to stop what you are doing and think about the situation before moving forward. You need to proceed with care and caution. Alternatively, an red traffic signal can signify barriers and difficulties on our path.

If you dream of driving through a red light, this indicates that you do not consider the consequences of your action. It may refer to your reckless habits.

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Traffic light Dream Interpretation

A traffic light manages the flow of vehicles on the road. In the world of symbolism, traffic represents the myriad thoughts that are constantly rushing through your mind.

The traffic light is a symbol of control and restraint and represents an attempt to minimize chaos in your life.

If the light was red, you may need to stop and pause in some undertaking that is currently unfolding.

A green light suggests that it’s time to take action.

A yellow light is asking you to bring some caution to how you are moving about in your current circumstances.

A broken traffic light indicates that your ability to control the movement of your thoughts is not working properly and may be causing some anxiety, stress, or depression.

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Traffic light Dream Interpretation

Like in real life, the traffic light in oneiric thoughts is a sign of warning; especially if it is red or orange. In this case, it warns of the arrival of imminent danger and the need to stay alert.

If it is green, it announces that now is the favorable moment to start new projects and establish more profound relationships. But, the traffic light can also represent the moral and social code, with all of the resistance, inhibitions, and obstacles that hinder the evolution of people and their understanding. The dreamer should decide, in this case, if he should disregard this sign or not, and if it is prudent to run the red light.

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

29 dream interpretation about traffic and light related.

If you dream of light, success will attend you.To dream of weird light, or if the light goes out, you will be disagreeably surprised by some undertaking resulting in nothing.To see...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

1. The flow of life, ambitions and goals (note the flow of traffic).2. Family difficulties, arguments.3. Difficulties can be overcome by asking for help. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

To be in the dark and then have a light bulb turn on is symbolic of God showing you that righteous living will illuminate your situation, Isa. 58:9-10...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

1. Indicates a wealth of energy, vitality.2. A sudden inspiration, awareness, often in relationships. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

If you dream of turning on a light switch, you will receive thanks for doing something nice.If you turned off the light switch, you are due for a vacation or a break from your resp...

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

For a sailor to see a beacon-light, portends fair seas and a prosperous voyage.For persons in distress, warm attachments and unbroken, will arise among the young.To the sick, speed...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Traffic, stress, order, an indication of needing to understand the signs of the times, or to establish these signs. Green light: idea, insight, understanding. Red light: repressive...

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Dreams of a red light signify “stop,” do not proceed.A red light can also be a sign of prostitution, and the message to beware of the temptation to sell yourself out with regar...

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

You are focusing your thoughts to create more penetrating energy in your life. Light is energy in motion. We generally think of it in terms of that which illuminates and makes thin...

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Infinite wisdom from god...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

In a dream, it means one’s sons or daughters....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

To burn a fire in the dream and see people being guided by the light of such a fire implies that the person who had enkindled the fire will, through knowledge and wisdom, become a ...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Often a symbol for sexual behavior. What the traffic sign announces is important....

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Directing traffic may be a response to feeling that you are in charge of others and directing their destinations. It may also compensate for frustration about not being in control ...

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

Green shows that you should proceed cautiously with any. investment that you may be contemplating, or with any love affair that may have started. Yellow indicates that you should a...

Dream Source: The Complete Dream Book

Vision: According to ancient folklore, a lighted lantern stands for an impending, sorrow-filled event.A blinking traffic light is always a warning to be careful.If you or someone ...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Vision: Dreaming about having an accident: you might be in danger (not necessarily in traffic). Be careful when dealing with others; you also have to face setbacks at work.See Mis...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

A light shining out of the dark, or a flashlight beam, shows that you will finally find the truth in a situation or the answer to a personal problem that you have been searching fo...

Dream Source: Encyclopedia of Dreams

This concerns your love affairs or domestic happiness.If you dream that the light is bad, then your interests will suffer accordingly.If the light goes out suddenly, expect a catas...

Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Dreams of a green light represent that all lines of traffic have opened up for you and the universe is motioning you to go forward with your dreams.See Green....

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

To dream of Christmas lights represents your spiritual feelings about the Christmas holiday. It also symbolizes hopefulness for the future and insights into family affairs....

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

To dream of bright neon lights signifies your big ambitions and goals. It may also foretell the sudden solution to a longstanding problem....

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

If you dream about a night light, you have understanding and insight about a situation that was once confusing to you. You have the answers within you....

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

To see a strobe light in your dream, suggests that you are presently experiencing some stress in your life. You are having trouble seeing a situation clearly, or finding the answer...

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation


Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

See Light, etc....

Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams


Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

1. Jesus;2. Righteous Christian; Matt. 5:14-15....

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

Interpretation Techniques—Amplify Definition and Purpose of Amplification Amplification in dream interpretation involves magnifying elements of a drea...

Dream Source: Dream Encyclopedia

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