Teacher Dream Meanings

Teacher Dream Meaning: From 30 Different Sources

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Teacher Dream Interpretation

A teacher in a dream is part archetype and part character aspect.

The teacher is the one with the knowledge, and to dream of one is to be tapping into the part of you that knows.

If the teacher is someone known to you, add the element of that person’s personal qualities to your interpretation.

The less you know of the teacher in a dream, the more you may be experiencing wisdom at an archetypal level. No matter how the teacher appears, consider that there may be something for you to learn. Learning occurs by accumulating small amounts of data that build upon each other. Teachers know what piece of information needs to be added next in order for learning to take place.

A figure of authority, the teacher is the one person at school who knows what the lesson plan is. Teachers have both the questions and the answers. Not only do they control what happens in the classroom, but they also know why things are ordered in a particular way. Each of our teachers presents us with the specific information needed to master a particular level of our functioning. Any teacher in a dream represents the part of you that understands this concept of step-by-step mastery and provides the mental environment in which learning occurs, or is blocked. There is great patience built into this process, even though many of your teachers in life may have lacked this quality. When a teacher appears in your dream, examine the person as a character aspect of yourself.

The teacher’s behavior toward you in the dream and your resulting feelings will offer insight as to how well your inner guidance system is operating and to what degree you are showing yourself patience with the pace of your growth.

A kindly teacher will result in a very different interpretation from one who is abusive or frightening.

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Teacher Dream Interpretation

also see Education and School

1- For many people, a teacher is the first figure of authority they meet outside the family. That person has a profound effect on the child and the teacher is often dreamt about in later years. Teachers can also generate conflict if their expressed views are very different to those learnt by the child at home. This may be something which has to be resolved through dreams in later vears.

2- When we are looking for guidance, the Animus/Anima (see Introduction) can present itself in dreams as a teacher. Often the figure will be that of a headmaster or headmistress (someone who ‘knows better’).

3- A spiritual teacher usually appears either in dreams or in person when the individual is ready to progress. There is a saying ‘when the chela (pupil) is ready, the teacher will come’. Often, that teacher will not appear as a Wise Old Man (See Introduction) or woman, but as a person appropriate to the level of the dreamer’s understanding.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary

Teacher Dream Interpretation

Symbol: A teacher in a man’s dream represents his father.

Vision: If a man dreams about a female teacher, it means he has a repressed, sadistic streak—the craving to physically punish, even brutalize others. Seeing a teacher is a warning about thoughdess and frivolous behavior. Talking with a teacher: it is not only the best but also right time to solve long neg-lected problems.

If you are the teacher, it means you think you know everything better than anybody else and have a tendency to lecture other people.

See Exam, Test.

Depth Psychology: The teacher is usually your inner guide who is standing by with helpful advice.

The teacher reminds you that life is a continuous test and challenge.

The dream is also addressing your self-doubt, challenging you to trust yourself.

See Steering Wheel.

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Teacher Dream Interpretation

(Bucket, Grammar teacher, Language teacher) In a dream, a teacher represents a strong person who does people favors and particularly those who learn at his hand unless ifhe takes monetary compensation for his work in the dream.

An elementary school teacher in a dream represents a commander, a judge, a scholar, or a trainer.

A grammar teacher and a language teacher in a dream represents honor, dignity, exalted rank, helping others, having important connections with people in authority, scholars, or he could represent understanding, clarity of speech, easy life, profits, marriage, children, or parents.

A teacher in a dream also represents a bird hunter who presides over the affairs of ignorant people.

(Also see Educator, Engraver, Grammarian, Language, Writer)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Teacher Dream Interpretation

The figure of the teacher is very important. It represents the values of knowledge, experience, and wisdom. This dream, however, can have many nuances. For example, if you are a strict school teacher, inclined to punish students, it is a sign that you lack security. The cause may be from a latent inferiority complex that is balanced out by a controlling and dictatorial attitude. In most cases, having a dream of this kind does not speak well of your maturity.

If the teacher is a serious, formal, scholarly person, it means that you are at a formative stage of intellectual development.

If the teacher inspires respect and admiration (a father figure), the dream expresses emotional maturity and stability. (See GRANDPARENTS, ACADEMY, AUTHORITY, LIBRARY, and HERMIT)

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

Teacher Dream Interpretation

To see your teacher (past or present) in a dream suggests that you are seeking some advice, guidance, or knowledge. You are heading into a new path in life and ready to learn by example or from a past experience. Consider your own personal experiences with that particular teacher. Alternatively, it may relate to issues with authority and seeking approval. You may going through a situation in your waking life where you feel that you are being treated like a student or in which you feel you are being put to a test.

If you dreamed of a dangerous or evil teacher, or just an incompetent one, you may be getting bad advice from someone close to you.

If you were the teacher, see “Teaching”, below.

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Teacher Dream Interpretation

If you dream of a teacher, tutor or lecturer you know or don’t know but who treats you kindly and with respect, it may mean that you are in need of guidance, advice or knowledge. Sometimes the subject with which the teacher in your dream is associated may be a clue as to why they have entered your slumber. Teachers are authority figures that have power over children so your dreaming mind may also have summoned a teacher into your dream to represent your boss or even yourself, if you are in charge of others.

If you dreamed of a teacher who was an overbearing bully, is this referring to aspects of yourself or someone you know?

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

Teacher Dream Interpretation

Teaching is the art of communicating knowledge, experience, skill, and wisdom to another. Teaching, or offering instruction of any kind, can manifest through parental guidance, business apprenticeship, or by inspired instruction in ethics or kindness.

If this archetype appears in your dreams, it can suggest that others seek you out for the richness of your experience or that you need to seek out someone or something to teach you the ropes. The shadow teacher manifests as a desire to manipulate or abuse those you are instructing, and to be more concerned with recognition than with imparting knowledge.

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

Teacher Dream Interpretation

To dream of being a teacher is about attitudes and feelings about authority, a projection of status on someone else, mastery and authority of a particular school of thought.

If you dream of being the teacher, consider whether or not you feel adequate for the job, frustrated, or joyous.

If you dream that the teacher is someone other than yourself, then you are projecting what you already know onto them, and/or projecting your power outside of self. Keep in mind that you cannot be taught something you don’t already know.

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Teacher Dream Interpretation

A spiritual teacher usually appears either in dreams or in person when the individual is ready to progress. There is a saying in the hindu religion, ‘when the chela (pupil) is ready, the teacher will come.’ Often that teacher will not appear as a wise old man or woman, but as a person appropriate to the level of our understanding. Consult the entries for education, school and authority figures in people, as well as the information on animus, anima and wise old man in archetypes in the introduction.
Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Teacher Dream Interpretation

Functioning as an emotional aid. Points to the times when you were in school.

The teacher is an archetypal figure of authority. Bad conscience, often connected to sensuality. Teachers are almost always the leaders that guide us into adulthood. This may also be an initiation dream.

The inner guide teaching about maturity and self-discipline. On the other hand, there may be the tendency to preach to oneself and to others.

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Teacher Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: For many people, a teacher is the first figure of authority they meet outside the family. That person has a profound effect on the child and the teacher is often dreamt about in later years. Teachers can also generate conflict if their expressed views are very different to those learnt by the child at home. This may be something that has to be resolved through dreams in later years.
Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Teacher Dream Interpretation

To dream of a current or past teacher is an indication that you need some help and advice regarding a waking life situation. Your life has recently changed, and you need someone to talk with. Conversely, the teacher may be your subconscious seeking to remind you about past lessons. Consider what in your life has changed, and who you see as an authority figure or teacher.
Dream Source: Dream Symbols and Analysis

Teacher Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: When we are looking for guidance, the animus / anima can present itself in dreams as a teacher. Often the figure will be that of a headmaster or headmistress (someone who ‘knows better’).

If we dream of ourselves as a teacher we will need to look at what information we have that should be passed on.

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Teacher Dream Interpretation

One who shows the way. All beings are teachers, how to or not to do something. Pay attention to inner or higher teacher in order to make life simpler. You are awakened to insight by own receptivity; although all people are teachers, and a few are especially influential along your path, remember to be your own guru.
Dream Source: The Dream Books Symbols

Teacher Dream Interpretation

The meaning of this dream depends on your own experiences with teachers or teaching and, of course, the circumstances in your dream.

The dream could be addressing your issues with authority and approval. Also, you may have a need for guidance and new learning.

See Also: School

Dream Source: The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Teacher Dream Interpretation

Because we spend so much time in school, teachers in dreams can represent many different aspects of the human experience. In general, teachers represent authority. Perhaps the situation we find ourselves in at the moment is a “learning experience.”
Dream Source: Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia

Teacher Dream Interpretation

A dream of being a teacher is telling you that, if you want to avoid unpleasant repercussions, you must control your tendency to “hunt with the hounds and run with the hare.

Otherwise, see under Learn.

Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

Teacher Dream Interpretation

If the dreamer is Teaching, an invitation to a solemn occasion is portended; if being taught, anger about a trifling slight will vex you.
Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Teacher Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are a teacher indicates a desire to rule others.

If you see or talk to a teacher you are in need of practical advice.

Dream Source: Psycho Dream Interpretation

Teacher Dream Interpretation

Anyone who is used to teach the lesson one who needs to learn; research the name
Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Teacher Dream Interpretation

1. A need or desire to control passion.

2. Lessons need to be learned.

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

Teacher Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are a teacher in a Sunday or dayschool, denotes that you will be gratified by receiving a gift of some value from one whom you highly esteem. 
Dream Source: The Mystic Dream Book

Teacher Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 02-03-13-22-35-43

becoming a: your first student is yourself, as is your best teacher.

being a: a chance to build character at its base, with your own in tandem.\

foreign language: listen to both sides of the story, judge as you would be judged.

high school: growing up is a process, not an instantaneous event.

being taught: anger over a smal , trifling matter wil block your ability to learn.

hiring a: mix amusement with your mission.

small children: wil be asked to contribute to charity.

talking to a: refrain from lecturing another and take instruction from a judicial figure.

teaching classes: passions are awakened when your receptivity is open.

night school: wil be invited to a solemn occasion of punitive power.

school: prohibited love, when authority is present, brings physical and mental heartache.

10 dream interpretation about teacher related.

To dream of a school teacher, denotes you are likely to enjoy learning and amusements in a quiet way.If you are one, you are likely to reach desired success in literary and other w...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

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Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Teacher, Writer)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Engraver, Language, Teacher, Writer)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Educator)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

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Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams that her betrothed is a dancing teacher, she will have a good reason to suspect him....

Dream Source: The Complete Dream Book

Our concept of authority first develops through our relationship with our father or father figure. Depending on how we were treated as children, our view of authority will be anyth...

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Original thought patterns that directed you....

Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

Universal Landscape: The steps toward mastery.Dreaming Lens: Who was the teacher in your dream? Was this a real teacher from your life, or an unknown character? How did you feel ab...

Dream Source: Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream

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