Strawberries Dream Meanings

Strawberries Dream Meaning: From 16 Different Sources

strawberries image

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

Symbol: Strawberries, like violets, are symbols of humility, but also temptation.

Vision: Enjoying a bowl of strawberries means luck in your love life.

See Apple, Berries, Pear. Looking at strawberries: the affection you have for another person is growing. Collecting wild strawberries: you would like to have a love affair. Spilling strawberries: disappointment in matters of love.

See Berries, Fruit.

Depth Psychology: Strawberries symbolize your need for friendship as well as an intimate relationship.

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

Strawberries symbolize feminine sensuality. Eating strawberries augurs the beginning of a loving relationship. Passion and desire are the keys expressed through these fruits.

If during the dream you do not taste this delicacy at all it seems clear that you are repressing yourself. Keep in mind that unfulfilled sexual desires do not disappear and, therefore, the unconscious sends you messages reminding of an inhibited erotic load.

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

Eating strawberries In a dream is a good sign to lovers. It indicates a happy culmination to one’s affair if the berries are sweet and of good flavor.

If the strawberries appear to be unripe or sour, it is a prediction of quarrels that may be pleasantly adjusted.

Dream Source: The Complete Dream Book

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

Happiness is the message contained in a strawberry dream.

If you picked them, you are likely to have an unexpected and delightful vacation; otherwise, whether you ate them, served them, bought them, or cooked them, they signify happy domestic and/or love affairs.

Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

Picking strawberries may signify the discovery of your sensual side, which is ripe. red. and luscious.

If strawberries are offered to you in your dreams, they may represent an invitation to be passionate with a romantic partner.

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

To dream of strawberries, is favorable to advancement and pleasure. You will obtain some long wished-for object.

To eat them, denotes requited love.

To deal in them, denotes abundant harvest and happiness.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

These berries, eaten or seen, are a presage of unexpected luck.

The tuck may be conccrncd with money, or it may be in connection with friends.

Dream Source: The Complete Dream Book

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

Good luck, a happy marriage (Gypsy).
Dream Source: The Fabric of Dream

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

Strawberry dreams mean general good health.
Dream Source: Psycho Dream Interpretation

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

A sign of some unexpected success.
Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

To dream of strawberries, denotes to a maiden speedy marriage with a man who will become rich, and make her happy; to a youth, thev denote that his wife will be sweet-tempered and bring him many children, all boys. They foretell riches to the tradesman and to the sailor; they are a very fortunate dream to the farmer.
Dream Source: The Mystic Dream Book

Strawberries Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 03-06-26-28-39-48

blossoms: wil have foresight to esteem, but not love.

eating: big joy in love life and security in business.

making jam with: unexpected affection for an old friend.

pie: a love affair wil turn into a serious relationship.

rhubarb: a bitter pil wil be sweetened.

picking wild, from the vines: a forbidden love affair wil make you many new friends.

with cream: your lack of objectivity in dealing with an issue.

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