Shooting Dream Meanings

Shooting Dream Meaning: From 15 Different Sources

shooting image

Shooting Dream Interpretation

Vision: Shooting or hearing shots: extremely good news in the near future. You are speaking frankly in a certain situation. Wratching other people shoot: you are pursuing ambitious goals, but need patience and energy to reach thein. Hearing a volley of shots: turbulent times and unrest ahead.

Depth Psychology: Shooting means that you suddenly have to choose someone or something. Maybe you are struggling with two voices inside yourself and they are shouting at each other.

If you are doing the shooting: if you share your worries and sorrows with someone else—you will be at peace again.

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Shooting Dream Interpretation

Murder. Something is being killed (violently): a relationship, an emotion, an unused talent, or any number of things. On the other hand, just as often, it may mean a courageous act of liberation that is freeing emotional energies.

A frequent dream symbol to have at the end of a depressive phase, because now, after being liberated, you can search for a new beginning. Such dreams always set in motion something symbolic and by no means refer to the real danger of death.

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Shooting Dream Interpretation

If you dream of shooting someone with a gun, your reputation is going to suffer in some way.

If you get shot, you will be annoyed by a nasty person.

If you hear the sound of shooting in your dream, this means that selfishness will be the cause of unhappiness between you and someone you love. Also see “Gun”.

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Shooting Dream Interpretation

To dream of shooting means you are ready to act; to go ahead with something you have been brooding about for a long time.

To hunt and shoot with a bow and arrow means you will be taking a big chance, but the risk could pay off very well.

See also Arrow and Gun.

Dream Source: Gypsy Dream Dictionary

Shooting Dream Interpretation

Shooting someone or being shot yourself is a fearful and violent dream experience. It may reflect aggression, powerlessness, release of strong and dangerous emotions, and/or symbolize a conclusive event in a particular situation or relationship.

See Guns

Dream Source: The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Shooting Dream Interpretation

To dream that you see or hear shooting, signifies unhappiness between married couples and sweethearts because of over-weaning selfishness, also unsatisfactory business and tasks because of negligence.

See Pistol.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Shooting Dream Interpretation

1. Shooting a person indicates deep hostility toward the person.

2. One is shooting for a particular goal in one’s life.

3. If the dreamer is being shot at, then he/she feels like a victim in waking life.

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

Shooting Dream Interpretation

On one hand, a reference to your setting your sights on a goal. Are you meeting your goal.7 On the other hand, aggression and a hunter’s instinct.

See Arrow, Pistol.

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Shooting Dream Interpretation

To dream of shooting a bird augurs accomplishment of purpose; to shoot and miss is ominous; to shoot a bird of prey forecasts triumph over enemies (Raphael).
Dream Source: The Fabric of Dream

Shooting Dream Interpretation

(Hunter, Hunting) Shooting in a dream means heedlessness, or pursuing the avenue of women, lust and the company of its people.

(Also see Hunter)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Shooting Dream Interpretation

It is a very bad omen if you kill, or attempt to kill any living creature in your dream.

To Shoot and miss shows some success over your difficulties.

Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Shooting Dream Interpretation

(see also Killing)

A shooting may symbolize the sexual act from a male (ejaculative, penetrative) point of view.

Dream Source: A Dictionary of Dream Symbols

Shooting Dream Interpretation

To dream you are out shooting is very favorable if you kill much game; to the lover, it shows a mistress kind and goodhumored, who will make him an excellent and notable wife; to the tradesman and farmer, success and riches; to the sailor, wealth acquired in a distant country; but if you dream ycu kill little or no game, then it presages bad luck, and disappointment in love. To dream you are shooting with a bow and arrows, is a very favorable dream, particularly to lovers and tradesmen.
Dream Source: The Mystic Dream Book

Shooting Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 02-20-23-25-35-49

artillery: condemnation of your ideas and overusing them.

being shot: abuse from a source you had depended upon.

birds: false gossip by friends flutters about and must be squelched.

contest, in a: wil have an opportunity to better yourself.

enemies: domestic troubles from outside sources.

hearing: misunderstandings between married people.

killing someone, and: hostile disputes from an unforeseen source.

only one shot: big profit if you find a partner; disaster if you solo.

others, at you: wil be disgraced for acting without your evidence.

people, at other: family roughhousing can get out of hand.

something but missing: wil overcome difficulties of a temporary nature.

target, and hitting the: your candor wil produce success.

8 dream interpretation about shooting related.

To be shot: a traumatic injury to feelings, often out of parental or other close relationship. It need not be something dramatic like being assaulted, but can be a quiet injury lik...

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

1. One’s dream of better times can come true.2. Changes will be occurring in one’s life. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

Shooting an arrow means speaking out against evil.The extent to which the arrow penetrates decides the extent to which his words will have effect....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

In a dream, shootingarrows is interpreted like shellingsomeone or a place. Otherwise, they means backbiting people or slandering them. Shooting arrows in a dream also could mean ta...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a person sees himself as shooting someone with a firearm it means he will abuse and humiliate the person whom he shot....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Symbol: The star is the symbol of the bringer of light.Vision: Seeing stars in the sky: you will receive good news. Seeing one star right in front of you: listen to the voice wit...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary


Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

To shoot in a dream (e.g., a gun or a game of pool) indicates success in the dreamer’s endeavors if they hit their target or pocket their ball. Shooting is a central activity in ...

Dream Source: Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia

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