Shadow Dream Meanings

Shadow Dream Meaning: From 19 Different Sources

shadow image

Shadow Dream Interpretation

The shadow is, first of all, that which is invisible.

If it becomes visible in your dream, a very important step toward increasing awareness has been taken.

You are beginning to become consciously aware of your “dark side.” The reason for the shadow in a dream is a sign that you are in the process of becoming aware of your Self. So, there is no reason to fear your shadow or try to avoid it.

The shadow is usually connected to the past or the future: old injuries are casting their shadow onto today’s behavior and emotions, and creating fear for the yet unborn reality of the future. Coming to terms with the shadow is necessary in order to understand life here and now. It brings intensity, wealth, and imagination to life.

If you are standing in somebody’s shadow, or are put into a shadow by somebody, this refers to low self- esteem. You have an inferiority complex—want to appear to be more than you are, want to be more accepted.

The shadow follows us but is not easily seen; it also provides protection.

Jung sees the shadow as an underdeveloped structure in people.

The shadow is one of the original definitions of the soul.

The chieftain of some Polynesian tribes loses his mana (power), if somebody steps on his shadow. In southern European countries midday was considered the ghost hour, because the shadow would then be its smallest and retreat. Behind this superstition was the fear that the shadow would disappear altogether and with it the soul and its relationship to the earth.

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Shadow Dream Interpretation

(Under the sun, in the dark, or otherwise.) In a dream, a shadow represents changes affectingone’s life in the world and his elevation or abasement.

A shadow in a dream also means guidance, repentance, true monotheism and contemplating the Maker and His creation.

If one moves but does not see his shadow moving in a dream, it means abrogating the laws, discarding what is permissible, adopting what is unlawful, death, becoming motionless, or losing one’s senses.

The same interpretation applies if one’s shadow disappears under the sunlight, or under the moonlight, or in the night lights, or if his reflection disappears from the water surface, or from any shiny surface.

If one sees his shadow dancing in a dream, it means falsehood, lies, stealing people’s money, shifting one’s faith according to one’s personal interests, or that he criticize the conduct of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. Dancing one’s shadow over a carpet in a dream means invoking evil spirits, speaking their words after being possessed by them, and it means trials, temptations and evil.

(Also see Shade)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Shadow Dream Interpretation

Generally, shadows are associated with the dark and malignant. For some psychologists they represent what is hidden in the subconscious, what you do not want to be. It probably comes from emotions and aspects that you have rejected within yourself. It recommends trying to bring to light everything that is hidden. This way, you will see that it is not so difficult to overcome. However, the interpretation of this dream is complex because, despite what has been said, the shadow of a tree could be a positive image that generates relief and protection for the dreamer. In this case, it is a dream of compensation before an adverse circumstance. Other dream symbols and the context in which it develops provide clues as to how it can be correctly interpreted.

Many superstitions believe that the shadow is part of the human soul. Stepping on it or throwing rocks on it is a sign of bad luck and the possibility of causing harm to someone.

If it is about one’s own shadow, you should be cautious.

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

Shadow Dream Interpretation

(see Black, Darkness)

Dark forces that threaten to undermine your spiritual quest. Note that these forces can also come from within.

Your own shadow or alternate persona.

For the goodness to mean something quantifiable we must all overcome this darker side of the soul.

Shadow boxing represents an internal argument you’re having with your sense of morality.

Not having a shadow equates to someone with a soulless character, without depth or passion. In earlier times, anyone who did not bear a shadow was considered cursed, like vampires.

Dream Source: The Language of Dreams

Shadow Dream Interpretation

Most authorities seem to agree that to be aware of your own shadow in a dream is a sign of a beneficial legal matter, likely to be an inheritance or legacy.

However, if the shadows were not your own, their meaning must be gleaned by correlating the other details of your dream.

To dream of the shadow of a dead person is an indication of a temporary obstacle; the shadow of a living person is believed to be a warning against travel or unnecessary risks for a few weeks* time.

Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

Shadow Dream Interpretation

Dreams of a shadow symbolize your dark side; that which you fear or resist, and that which is unintegrated, rejected, or perceived as unaccepted and suppressed. Keep in mind that it is only in the shadow until you’ve embraced it in the light of your awareness.

See Integration Dreams.

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Shadow Dream Interpretation

If you dream that your shadow acts differently than you do, you are not letting others see all parts of your personality.

If the shadows in your dream were not your own, this suggests that there is an aspect of yourself that you are rejecting or want to keep hidden.

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Shadow Dream Interpretation

A shadow may represent the hidden aspects of the self.

The dreamer often does not accept these parts of his or her personality and they are projected upon others until the dreamer can accept them and incorporate them into his or her psyche.

Dream Source: Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia

Shadow Dream Interpretation

Anything in shadow may symbolize (part of) the dark (i.e. unfamiliar) side of your own nature: unused or rejected capacities, qualities and emotions. So long as you are ignorant of this ‘other self, you will project it on to other people.
Dream Source: A Dictionary of Dream Symbols

Shadow Dream Interpretation

1. Someone may be following one.

2. Commitment of rela­tionship one is reluctant to make.

3. Rejection of one or more as­pects of one’s personality.

4. One’s real self is being hidden or repressed.

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

Shadow Dream Interpretation

Symbolic of being in the presence of God, Ps. 36:7.

A shadow can symbolize a demonic presence or death depending on the emotion associated with the dream, Ps. 44:19, Ps. 23:4

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Shadow Dream Interpretation

Fear, illusion, that follows you. Unknown part of self. Face the shadow and befriend it to understand the selfinsight it offers.
Dream Source: The Dream Books Symbols

Shadow Dream Interpretation

1. Protection under the shadow of his wings;

2. Hiding away from God;

3. Darkness; James 117; Col. 2:17; Ps. 91:1.

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

Shadow Dream Interpretation

The Subconscious; insubstantiality.Hidden or covert patterns attempting to surface or cause problems.
Dream Source: The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Shadow Dream Interpretation

Money gained through legal affairs.
Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Shadow Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 02-11-14-33-35-55

being afraid of a: wil be threatened by a great enemy; you need to excise yourself.

your own: acknowledge your negatives and integrate them.

enemies, of: negative parts of yourself projected onto others.

evil spirits, of: what moral defect of yours is this expressing?

friends, of: beware of being tricked into believing their view of you.

many: an unrecognized negative wil overwhelm you.

misty, a white: blissful remembrance of your mother checking you in your sleep.

own: financial gains through legal affairs.

The: represents everything about yourself that you hate.

tree, of a: a friend you thought was faithful wil cheat you.

being in the: wil receive a proposal of love.

6 dream interpretation about shadow related.

Symbolic of arousal and sexuality, Jer. 4:30 ...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Depicted as: a shadowy figure, often the same sex as the dreamer, a zombie or walking dead; a dark shape; an unseen ‘Thing’; someone or something we feel uneasy about or in som...

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Strong shadows in your dreams indicate pessimism and the possibility of failure. However bright your prospects seem, you will still be conscious of the fact that things could go te...

Dream Source: Gypsy Dream Dictionary

Feeling ‘put in the shade’; feelings still overshadowing one from past experiences or relationships; feeling inferior, protection; occasionally a sense of the dead or fear of t...

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Example: A shadow thing came very quickly up the stairs, along our corridor and into the bed­room, over to the bed to bend over me. I felt fear as I never felt it before and I sta...

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Vision: Seeing your own shadow: detach from negative friends—troubles and grief are at your door. Sitting in the shade: be careful—someone is about to cheat you. Seeing the sh...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

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