Crying Dream Meanings

Crying Dream Meaning: From 17 Different Sources

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Crying Dream Interpretation

Universal Landscape: Emotional expression and cleansing.

Dreaming Lens: Were you crying in the dream, or were you watching someone cry? If it was someone else, did you know the person? Did you comfort him or her? Did anyone (or anything) comfort you? Could you feel yourself crying?

Personal Focus: It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. In the spirit of that saying, crying washes the windows of our souls. It cleans and lubricates them so they can see more clearly and easily. Water represents emotion, and tears are the fluid expression of our deepest emotions as squeezed out by the body. Just as crying in life is an involuntary expression of deep feelings, the same can be said about crying in a dream.

Often people report the sensations of crying when dreaming; that it is felt as acutely as it is in the waking state. The interpretation is generally very literal, though the Dreaming Lens will provide some focus for how to understand and utilize the emotionality that is being expressed.

If you are crying in a dream, then you are likely in some sort of mourning or expression of grief. If someone else is crying, then a Character Aspect that lives within you is involved in a powerful emotional process. If this is the case, then use the character who is crying to have a deeper understanding about what part of your personality is undergoing a shift. Tears of sadness connect to loss. Tears of joy connect with gain and could indicate getting to the other side of a challenging transition.

The more acutely you can feel the physicality of crying upon waking, the closer to consciousness the wound is. The level of disconsolation you feel may give you an idea of the intensity of the hurt you are cleansing. Remember that in your dreams, just as in life, crying is a healthy and powerful way of processing grief and facilitating transition and transformation.

Crying Dream Interpretation

You are feeling a heightened emotionalism in your life right now, powerful enough to bleed over into your dreams. Water represents emotion, and tears are the fluid expression of our deepest emotions as squeezed out by the body.

If you are crying in a dream, then you are likely in some sort of mourning or expression of grief.

If someone else is crying, then a character aspect that lives within you is involved in a powerful emotional process.

If this is the case, then use the character who is crying to gain a deeper understanding of what part of your personality is undergoing a shift. Tears of sadness connect to loss. Tears of joy connect with gain and could indicate getting to the other side of a challenging transition.

The more acutely you can feel the physicality of crying upon waking, the closer to consciousness the wound is.

The level of disconsolation you feel may give you an idea of the intensity of the hurt you are cleansing. Remember that in your dreams, just as in life, crying is a healthy and powerful way of processing grief and facilitating transition and transformation.

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Crying  Dream Interpretation

Emotions being released. In our dreams we experience a variety of emotions. Crying in the dream state generally has the same meaning as crying in daily life.

It is a release of negative emotion, frustration, or fear. On the other hand, you could be experiencing the tears of joy. Due to repression or denial, sometimes people are unable to express their feelings. In the dream state some of our defense mechanisms may relax and an emotional release occurs. Some emotional dreams may be compensatory in nature. Thus, if you never cry in daily life, you may cry in your dreams.

Dream Source: The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Crying Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of crying or moaning is usually a straightforward release of some type of pain, regret, guilt, or sadness.

If it is the cry of an animal, the emotions are likely tied to whatever that creature represents.

The cry of a child can represent your own inner child trying to get attention (see Baby). Alternatively, for new parents this is a circumstantial dream caused by normal concerns, and by being woken up so frequently by the newborn.

Dream Source: The Language of Dreams

Crying Dream Interpretation

Vision: If you are crying: you will get over worrying about another person and be happy again.

See Tears.

Depth Psychology: Dreams about crying often indicate tension and fears. Arc you crying because you regret something you did? Are you crying “crocodile tears”? Crying tears of sorrow: before you know it, something will make you laugh—a very hopeful dream!

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Crying Dream Interpretation

Dreams make us face situations that we tend to avoid in reality. In this case, theres is something that makes you very sad, so it is very important you take note of the other symbols in the dream to discover what is causing you such grief. (See WEEPING and TEARS)

According to oracles, the meaning of this dream is the opposite. So, crying will bring happiness and laughter.

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

Crying Dream Interpretation

If you dream you are crying, your mind is helping to achieve emotional balance while you sleep. You are getting out frustrations that would slow you down in your waking life.

To see others crying in your dream, it foretells unexpected calls for help from you.

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Crying Dream Interpretation

To dream of crying, is a forerunner of illusory pleasures, which will subside into gloom, and distressing influences affecting for evil business engagements and domestic affairs.

To see others crying, forbodes unexpected calls for aid from you.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Crying Dream Interpretation

whoever sees that he / she is crying, then laughing after that, it indicates the nearing of his term [death], because of the All-Mighty’s saying: {And he laughed and cried, while he is deadened and alivened}.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik

Crying Dream Interpretation

Lamenting or crying in a dream means distress, sorrow and stress. Ifsuch lamenting or crying is done out of fearing God Almighty, it means that salvation and joy will follow.

(Also see Laughing)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Crying Dream Interpretation

A dream of crying signifies sorrow and distress. Implications of love affairs, corrupt business dealings fall into this classification of crying dreams.
Dream Source: Psycho Dream Interpretation

Crying Dream Interpretation

To dream of hearing someone crying is a portent Of good news.

To dream of crying oneself foretells success in an important undertaking.

Dream Source: The Complete Dream Book

Crying Dream Interpretation

Release from pain, letting go.

See Water, Tears. Crying, according to Freud, meant ejaculation.

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Crying Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 01-29-33-43-48-49

baby, hearing a: disputes in the family.

crocodile tears: your time for sorrow is now.

of: a happy, domestic life wil subside into gloomy trials.

others: wil have to render aid to others in deep distress.

members of the family: great empathy for another’s loss.

tears of sorrow: there is a clown in your future.

1 dream interpretation about crying related.

If you or someone else was crying, screaming or laughing in your dream, this may be a confirmation of how they are feeling in waking life. Similarly, if you woke up laughing, screa...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

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