Bottle Dream Meanings

Bottle Dream Meaning: From 25 Different Sources

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Bottle Dream Interpretation

Inadvertently, sometimes you bottle up your emotions, preventing them from being freely expressed. This dream can be an invitation to be more spontaneous and to avoid repressing your feelings. However, the bottle’s contents will illustrate your situation.

Dreaming of bottles filled with water is a symbol of prosperity and joy; if they contain liquor it indicates that your feelings are not sincere: unpleasant incidents with the beloved are likely to occur; if it is champagne, you need to be more social; if it is poison, it represents evil thoughts on your part; if it is red wine, it will express your passions; and milk demonstrates your need for new ideas. Empty bottles indicate amorous disappointments, illness, or setbacks in your projects. You may be out of your internal resources and feel hollow. Despite the disappointments, you must try to recover and move on, and dreams may point out the way to do it.

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Vision: Looking at one or several full bottles means fun or an invitation. Empty bottles are a warning about an unpleasant event, or that you are at a disadvantage.

A broken bottle or breaking a bottle means bad news.

A full bottle of red wine is a good sign, promising prosperity.

Depth Psychology: A bottle is sometimes a symbol for sexual cravings, but it also indicates that personal and professional possibilities may be limited. Do you feel like an (empty) vessel? Did others imply that you are? Did you make a mistake, miss something? Do you have a tendency to put yourself down? Do others put you down?

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Bottle Dream Interpretation

(Glass bottle, Water skin) In a dream, a bottle represents a money pouch, knowledge, a womb, or a despicable person. Seeing or carrying a bottle of honey in a dream means learning a trick from a loathsome person. Seeing or carrying a bottle of fuel in a dream means earning unlawful money through an evil person. Blowing into a bottle in a dream denotes having a son.

The same interpretation is given for blowing air or inflating any sack or a balloon. Seeing a bottle of water in a dream may denote a wife, a husband, a host, a merchant, or a pregnant woman.

(Also see Glass bottle)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Bottle Dream Interpretation

If the bottle in your dream was full, it forecasts luck with money.

If it was empty, it could mean a sudden setback related to money, a job or school.

If you spilled a bottle of something, you can expect irritations and quarrels with friends or family.

If someone hit you with a bottle, you will have an improvement in social status.

If you struck someone with a bottle, it signifies a coming embarrassment.

If you dreamed of a broken bottle, you may be rushing toward something unpleasant. Slow down and consider changing the direction your life is headed. Also see “Baby Bottle.”

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Bottle Dream Interpretation

A bottle is about the ability to contain a small amount of something, usually liquid refreshment.

If the symbolic meaning behind what’s in the bottle is to nurture you or please your palate, then the meaning of the bottle is your ability to contain that desire in a portable way and enjoy it at your leisure. An empty bottle relates to something you had in the past being unavailable to you now.

A bottle that is broken indicates an inability to contain something pleasurable.

If you know what is in the bottle, add that for a great distinction of your interpretation.

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Bottle Dream Interpretation

1- To a certain extent it depends on which type of bottle is perceived in the dream.

To see a baby’s feeding bottle would indicate the need to be successfully- nurtured and helped to grow.

A bottle of alcohol would show the need to celebrate, or to curb an excess, while a medicine bottle might symbolise the need to look at one’s own health.

A broken bottle could indicate either aggression or failure.

2- Opening a bottle could mean making available resources you have, but may have suppressed.

3- A womb symbol: the principle of containing and enclosure.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary

Bottle Dream Interpretation

(1) The symbolism may be Freudian: a bottle represents a vagina.

(2) If the bottle is not empty, the meaning may be provided by the contents - wine, for example, or poison.

See also Poison, Wine.

(3) If the bottle is empty, it probably represents your own (feeling of) emptiness. Do you feel drained, exhausted? Has all the enjoyment gone out of life? If so, ask your unconscious to put you in touch with appropriate inner resources, then observe your dreams carefully over the next week or so.

Dream Source: A Dictionary of Dream Symbols

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Depending on its contents, dreams of a bottle represent nurturing and sustenance.

If you dream of a baby bottle, then this is a symbol of nurturing empowerment.

If you dream of a beer or wine bottle, then this represents that you are attempting to nurture yourself while keeping at arms length from reality.

If you dream of a message in a bottle, consider the message to be a profound insight regarding your current circumstances.

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: To a certain extent it depends on which type of bottle is perceived in the dream. When the image is of a baby’s feeding bottle, it would indicate the need to be successfully nurtured and helped to grow.

A bottle of alcohol would show the need to celebrate, or to curb an excess, while a medicine bottle might symbolize the need to look at one’s own health.

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Bottle Dream Interpretation

A bottle of wine can mean celebration, the good life. Or, more negatively, “hitting the bottle” or to be “on the bottle.” A baby bottle can be associated with infantile desires or, more positively, nurturance. We also talk about how one “bottles up” emotions, or how “the genie is out of the bottle.”
Dream Source: Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Capped bottle means closed or locked up inside, but can easily break through to new awareness. Old empty bottle is discarded part of self you do not need anymore.

If you receive a message from floating bottle, one washed up by the sea, the unconscious self is offering an answer to a problem.

Dream Source: The Dream Books Symbols

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream, given the above significances, the image of a bottle is probably to do with her own intimate feelings about herself as a woman. In a man’s dream such an image will be more to do with his perception of women.
Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Bottle Dream Interpretation

The interpretation of this dream varies with its details.

If the bottle was full, it forecasts quick prosperity; if empty, sud- den reverses.

If you spilled the contents, you can ex- pect petty worries and do- mestic quarrels.

Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Vagina. Of wine, spirits or beer: sometimes an influ­ence entering your life to change it; relaxation. Of red wine: you may have felt there is more in life than your own ego, its worries and desires, sense of sharing life.
Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Bottle Dream Interpretation

This dream depends upon circumstances.

If the Bottle is full, it shows prosperity; if it is empty, then misfortunes are foretold; while if you upset the contents, you may expect domestic worries.

Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Opening a bottle could mean making available resources you have but may have suppressed.

A broken bottle could indicate either aggression or failure.

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Bottle Dream Interpretation

1. The womb.

2. Emotional repression (as in “bottling up” feelings).

3. Prosperity (full bottle).

4. Misfortune (empty or broken bottle).

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

Bottle Dream Interpretation

See Container. Male and female sexual symbol, but according to Freud, it is always female. What kind of ghost or spirit is bottled up inside? See Glass, Vase,
Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Bottle Dream Interpretation

To dream of a full bottle is symbolic of having plenty and being willing to share with others.

To see an empty bottle symbolizes a need; a yearning.

Dream Source: Gypsy Dream Dictionary

Bottle Dream Interpretation

This is a womb symbol: the principle of containing and enclosure and, therefore, an aspect of femininity, fertility and intuition.
Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Joy, singing wassail; a broken bottle, disappointment (Artemidorus); symbolism obvious.
Dream Source: The Fabric of Dream

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Research contents, i.E. Bottled up emotions; tears are bottled by god for remembrance
Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Bottle Dream Interpretation

Symbolic of the need to keep information secret
Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Bottle Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 05-08-25-37-41-45

breaking, a: not wise to ask for financial assistance at this time.

empty, an: misfortune from having drunk too much adversity.

floating ashore, a: God has given you the answer.

full, a: prosperity in business and conquest in love.

neck: are squeezing through a constricted scheme.

several: a party invitation wil lead to prosperous engagements.

spilling the contents of: expect domestic worries.

11 dream interpretation about bottle related.

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Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

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Dream Source: A Dictionary of Dream Symbols

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Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Symbolises a women.If it breaks or is stolen his wife will die....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

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Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

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Dream Source: The Language of Dreams

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Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

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Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

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Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

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Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

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