Board game Dream Meanings

Board Game Dream Meaning: From 5 Different Sources

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Board game Dream Interpretation

Games in dreamland symbolize the manner in which the dreamer is approaching life. Individual games, such as solitaire, will indicate your tendency for self- absorption, where excelling or enjoyment is a significant motive. Interactive games, such as chess, indicate that competition is a significant motive for you. In either case, the dream will be highlighting your thought processes, mental skills and dexterity. In general, dream board and card games indicate how you are rising to a particular challenge in your waking life or how successfully you are playing the hand that fate has dealt you.

Little physical effort is required when playing board and card games, so games of this nature tend to focus on your intellectual performance or ability to think and react quickly. Pay attention to the tactics you use whilst playing and to your overall strategy. Were you calm and controlled with a set of tactics, or were you out of control? Was your game defensive or offensive? What is the dream telling you about your ability to respond to external stimuli in the directing of directing of your life? Are you self-motivated, continually striving to better your skill, or do you rely on competition for motivation? Your answer to questions such as these will tell you much about your current approach to waking life.

Consider too the colors of the pieces or cards you were using and what they might signify. For example, if you were playing with white chess pieces, do you associate yourself with kindness and your opponent with malevolence? If you are accused of cheating in your dream, are you deceiving anyone in waking life? Games in which pieces are moved around a board at the throw of a dice are often designed to mirror life’s challenges and this is often what they represent in dreams, suggesting fears or concerns about factors you can’t control. The game board reveals the moves you make in life and a games room stands for a meeting place in which plans and strategies are devised. A game show cautions against a desire to consider yourself intellectually superior.

Specific dreams may have their own symbolism; for example sexuality in snakes and ladders and the repercussions of your actions in games that require dominos. A game of backgammon may point to your desire to resolve the secrets of your unconscious (the inner table) before time or the other player stops you. Pool, billiards or snooker suggest clever scheming, combined with the skill to accomplish a goal. The condition of the poolroom will give you a clue as to whether this refers to healthy competition or dirty dealings, whilst the pool table refers to the issue or subject of your plans.

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

Board game Dream Interpretation

Universal Landscape: Solving conflict through structure and control.

Dreaming Lens: What was the game being played? Did you know the rules of the game? Was it an actual game you know from life, or was it an imaginary game? Who was playing the game in your dream? What were your feelings about the players? What level of skill and ability was being expressed? Were you winning, or losing?

Personal Focus: A board game is a civilized approach to expressing competitive impulses and conflict-solving skills. In a dream, it may be an analogy for the “game” in life it is designed to represent. Popular board games are created to convey certain themes of life experience through the process of playing them.

Your first clue to investigating this symbol begins with the game itself. If it is known in the dream, the theme of the game is central to your interpretation. For example, the game of Risk would symbolize the risks we take in life that can lead to power and control. Another is Monopoly: the way we deal with acquiring and managing material abundance. Consider the game you encounter in your dream and determine the theme it expresses. If you do not know the game being played, the meaning you assign your dream should reflect this uncertainty. Your daily life may be reflecting a game plan and strategy that feels unfamiliar.

If you are winning in your dream, you may be expressing recent experiences of successful negotiation of life’s complexities. If you are losing, the dream may be reflecting back to you where you are blocked or challenged. If the surreal environment of the game is the dreamscape itself, an overwhelming situation may literally be enveloping you. If the environment is more a source of fascination, your dream may be illuminating a sense of awe that some moments can inspire. With any game in a dream, there may be unconscious feelings that are demanding a strategic approach to understanding and ultimately, winning.

Board game Dream Interpretation

You are looking to resolve conflict through structure and control. In a dream, a board game may be an analogy for the “game” in life it is designed to represent. Popular board games are created to convey certain themes of life experience through the process of playing them.

If you are winning a board game in your dream, you may be expressing recent experiences of successful negotiation of life’s complexities.

If you are losing, the dream may be reflecting back to you where you are blocked or challenged.

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Board game Dream Interpretation

Playing a board game may represent a strategic- decision that you have just made in a business deal.

A board game in a dream may also indicate that you arc facing competition or opposition at work.

A board game may literallv mean that someone is playing games with you or deceiving you. Finally, it may indicate you are “bored” with a situation or with your present Life.

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

Board game Dream Interpretation

If you enjoyed playing a board game in your dream, you have pleasant times ahead. But if you were bored or annoyed by it, you can expect a period of minor difficulties and annoyances. This dream might also be suggesting that you are “bored” with the way things are now.
Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

40 dream interpretation about board and game related.

To dream of game, either shooting or killing or by other means, denotes fortunate undertakings; but selfish motions; if you fail to take game on a hunt, it denotes bad management a...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

(Amusement, Cynicism, Playing games, Playing) To play games or to act sprightly in a dream means pride, arrogance, being cynical, profanity or defiling what is sacred in one’s ...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

1. Unpredictability or uncertainty about the future.2. Acceptance of destiny.3. Mystery and curiosity. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

1. Manipulation and emotional control.2. An inability to accept responsibility, avoidance of obligations. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

To dream of being a contestant on a game show may symbolize a petty disagreement with someone in your waking life.A game show on television speaks of an opportunity to see an argum...

Dream Source: Dream Symbols and Analysis

Simple playing cards represent taking a chance; if tarot cards, see “witchcraft”...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

The willingness and ability to track and trap a wild animal indicates one has great confidence and courage. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

That which is flat, smooth, and connects.The function of the board is important....

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Video games are symbolic of total and utter escapism and mindless thought. They are a modern phenomenon that will have very different symbolic meaning based on your personal relati...

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

1. Communing over business matters; Matt. 5:22; 10:17....

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

For a young woman to see a cooling board in her dreams, foretells sickness and quarrels with her lover.To dream of some living person as dead and rising up from a cooling board, de...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

A figurative protection from mud-slinging, etc.; See “mud”...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

(See Chessboard)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Cock fighting)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(Cabinet, Council, Court, Inquisitional court) If one’s name is presented before a hearing board for review, and ifhe is nominated to fill a seat in any governmental department...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Milk of all edible game symbolises prosperity and lawful rizq....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Games)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

The skin, milk, fat etc. of game symbolise wealth and booty for a person if he sees himself as acquiring any of them.And Allah Ta’ala knows best....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

They represent a person’s children. Sometimes, slaves, if the person acquires any portion of their body....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

To dream of tracking and killing wild game denotes shrewd business dealings and a high probability of success.To dream of missing the animal shows you will have much loss and troub...

Dream Source: Tryskelion Dream Interpretation

Generally, games can be stances used to meet life; not taking life seriously—making a game of it; com­petitiveness; team work; life skills. Also a game can be a way of playing c...

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Symbol for letting go, as in Water, Brook / Stream. Playing ball represents self-expression. However, a ball, as in football and handball, also expresses aggressive penetration, fo...

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

A boogie board is used to ride the waves on your belly and may suggest riding an emotional or creative wave and enjoying it.The board might also suggest that it is “time to boogi...

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

Vision: Dreaming about the lottery: be prepared for dishonesty and don’t have too many illusions. Flaying a game for money: deceit and quarrels ahead. Playing a game of cards: y...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Depth Psychology: Seeing Mount Olympus means you are hoping for spiritual insights or “help from above.” At best, the dream indicates your trust in a higher power. Dreaming ab...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Vision: Playing handball—or any other ball game: you always catch the luck that life is throwing your way and just in time (if—in your dream—you do catch the ball!).See Ball...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Many small troubles and worries.If the Birds fly away, you will succeed in the end, but it will need courage and patience....

Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Dreams of a black board signify a profound message for you. Consider the message written on the board.If it is a clean slate, then this represents that you have an open mind.If you...

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Dreams of Game boy signify that you are honing of mental skills and the desire to battle at a safe distance. Perhaps your dream is telling you that you are playing mind games.See G...

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

To dream that you are playing a computer game, represents your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Sometimes this dream also is suggesting that you ar...

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

A dream of standing on a diving board, symbolizes a serious temptation or ordeal with which you are or will soon be faced.If you were unable to jump, you are not yet ready to deal ...

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

See Bollards....

Dream Source: Psycho Dream Interpretation

See under individual listings of kinds of wood....

Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

A social gathering to enjoy the spirit of competition in a fun atmosphere is at the heart of game night. As a symbol, it represents the need to express the fundamental drive to com...

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Game animals—notably the deer, rabbit and hare—offer encouragement, and dreamers should view their presence optimistically. The rabbit’s renowned ability to breed offers the ...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

1. Secular leadership;2. Religious council;3. Elders;...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

1. Spiritual warfare; Ministry/business;1 Chron. 16:31-33.Headgear (Black)1. Carnal fleshly mind;2. Protect your mind;Eph. 6:17...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

1. Shield of Faith;2. Dart board have numbers look at the number for the answer, negative and positive,3. Bullseye, (red) fierce anger; Eph. 6:16....

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

Most dreams in which you are playing a team game reflect how well you feel you are performing within a group situation in waking life, whether it is among your family and friends, ...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

Sometimes your dreaming mind will use visual, verbal or colloquial puns to get a point across. For example, if your dream contained images of hands, this could indicate that you ar...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

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