Ants Dream Meanings

Ants Dream Meaning: From 20 Different Sources

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Ants Dream Interpretation

(Army) In a dream, ants represent weak and covetous people, an army, a family, or longevity. Seeing a colony of ants entering a city in a dream means that an army will occupy that city.

A colony of ants in a dream also represents a heavy populated area. Seeing ants over one’s bed in a dream means having many children.

If ants leave one’s house in a dream, it means that someone in the family will leave that house. Ifthere is a sick person in a house and one sees ants flying in a dream, it means the death of such a person. Ants leaving their colony in a dream means dying away of the population in that area, or that such a town may become a ghost town. Seeing ants leaving their nest in a dream also means adversities or distress. Though in this case, they represent the small and hard working people.

If a sick person sees ants walking over his body in a dream, it means his death. Flying ants in a dream also mean hardships during a journey. Seeing winged ants in a dream means a war and destruction of a large army. Ants in a dream also may signify prosperity. They also represent the person seeing the dream or members of his family or relatives. Understanding the language of ants in a dream means sovereignty, leadership and prosperity.

If one sees ants entering his house and carrying food in a dream, it means prosperity in that family.

If one sees ants leaving his house and carrying food with them in a dream, it means poverty. Seeing ants coming out of one’s nostrils, ears, mouth or any part of his body and rejoicing at that sight in the dream means martyrdom. However, if one seems unhappy to see that in his dream, it means dying in sin. Flying ants in a dream also represent a robbery. Killing ants in a dream means cruelty against weak people.

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Ants Dream Interpretation

To see ants in your dream implies that you are not happy with your current position or situation. You harbor emotions of abandonment and inattention. You may be easily irritated and frustrated by minor matters.

The only means of attaining your wants and needs is to work together with others. Ants also represent persistence, meticulousness and production.

It is very likely that you will see a substantial growth in the area of your occupation. Alternately, you may have the desire to break free from constraints and exude more individuality. You are unhappy with limitations that are placed upon you. According to the biblical interpretations, ants represent attentiveness with matters pertaining to divinity and spirituality. Ants may be tiny in stature, but they are indicative of periods of prosperity.

Dream Source: Dream Symbols and Analysis

Ants Dream Interpretation

Inherent Characteristics

The ant is a very hard worker. They live in huge communities where most tasks are delegated to individuals who form work groups to carry out various activities of hunting, gathering, nesting and nursery, habitat construction, and protection. Ants are wonderful builders and architects. Ants are determined and relentless in pursuit of their mission. Ants are unselfish and sacrifice themselves to benefit the community. Learning this valuable lesson of the ant can be the greatest of all gifts. Ants are tireless workers and hunters and teach the art of perseverance and patience in all that they do.

1. Wisdom, Prov. 6:6-6;

2. Irritation; Gal 5:19-21

3. Unwanted guests Zeph 2,1;

4. Diligence; Prov. 6:6;

5. Ant Hill; may mean Low mountain; Isa. 40: 4

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

Ants Dream Interpretation

Symbol: In the language of symbols, ants are an example of wisdom and hard work.

Vision: Dreaming about ants: a hint to be more industrious. Seeing ants on your body: expect good luck and success. Being bitten by an ant: take advantage of an opportunity in your professional life. Stepping on an anthill: your clumsy behavior is provoking a lot of frustration.

Depth Psychology: Seeing many ants is often a sign of a problem in your nervous system.

The suggestion is to take a break and pay attention to health issues.

If you dream about ants frequently, make an appointment for a physical examination.

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Ants Dream Interpretation

Because of the nature of ants and the widespread occurrence of fire ants, it is only natural that this little creature find its way into our subconscious as the symbol of pettiness and annoyance. But on a positive note, they can symbolize diligence foresight and teamwork.

The little ant is also indicative of organization, and business discipline. In dreams where the ant is related to work issues the ant symbolizes the work ethic or lack of.

To be bitten by an ant in a dream can indicate a small annoyance in your life, or if bitten by many, lots of small annoyances in life.

Dream Source: Encyclopedia of Dreams

Ants Dream Interpretation

Ants have a rich symbolic tradition out of proportion to their small size. Positively, they have been used to represent diligence, hard work, and foresight (because they store up food for lean times). Less positively, they have been deployed as a symbol of conformity and mass action. Most contemporary urban dwellers experience ants only as pests that disturb picnics and invade our kitchens, making them creatures that “bug” human beings.

As with all dream symbols, the tone and setting of the dream indicate which interpretation is appropriate.

Dream Source: Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia

Ants Dream Interpretation

When they are associated with pleasant oneiric images, ants are synonymous with difficult preparation work. But on many occasions, their multiplicity provokes an unfavorable meaning.

If you see them invading your house, it demonstrates stress you suffer from problems that worry you. The most serious is to dream that they cover your body: this could reflect certain mental disorders. To dream of ants can also be a sign of a cutaneous eruption.

Winged ants augur dangerous journeys. To squash them, destruction of your own fortune.

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

Ants Dream Interpretation

Classical example in psychology of a disturbed nervous system.

It is necessary to reevaluate your obligation to the community. Become more actively involved. There are tendencies to isolation. Patient and persistent work will bring benefits, or you may be too much of a busybody. It may also be a sign of too much turmoil, excitement, and nervousness.

A possible warning signal: Unwind, make time for self-contemplation. Ants are also considered a sign of intelligence.

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Ants Dream Interpretation

Dreams of ants symbolize that you’ve been taking the little things in life for granted, sweating the small stuff, and being easily bugged by life’s minor annoyances. Dreams of ants can be a message to respect the details in life, because it is the little things that make a difference. Also, this dream is telling you that your patience will pay off in time, and that when you engage in teamwork, you will move mountains.
Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Ants Dream Interpretation

If, in your dream, you observed the interesting organized activity of these industrious creatures, a change of business or position would be beneficial; but if they were in food or on clothing, as pests, you will have a spell of frustration and hard work before achieving independence.
Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

Ants Dream Interpretation

If you dream of ants on your clothing, or coming into your home, you will have petty annoyances.

To watch ants is to indulge in activity; usually a lot of small jobs.

An anthill is a sign of avoidance of work.

Dream Source: Gypsy Dream Dictionary

Ants Dream Interpretation

To the tradesman this dream augurs success; in mediaeval symbolism ants typify industry; Plato says the souls of unimaginative persons return to earth as ants.
Dream Source: The Fabric of Dream

Ants Dream Interpretation

The dreamer of ants should expect many petty annoyances during the day; chasing little worries, and finding general dissatisfaction in all things.
Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Ants Dream Interpretation

Business will be good through your industry if you dream of ants, but if you kill any of them> the opposite may be expected.
Dream Source: The Complete Dream Book

Ants Dream Interpretation

To dream of these industrious little creatures shows business activity, but in some fresh district or surrounding.
Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Ants Dream Interpretation

Symbolic of industriousness or tiny nuisances, Prov. 6:6. Ant bites symbolize misfortune, Deut. 32:23-24
Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Ants Dream Interpretation

Petty annoyances and greed. Hard work ahead in repatterning. Activity, productivity, health. 
Dream Source: The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Ants Dream Interpretation

Ants denote petty annoyances to the dreamer.

See Insects.

Dream Source: Psycho Dream Interpretation

Ants Dream Interpretation

To dream of these industrious little insects, hath a variety of interpretations, and depends upon the manner in which you dream of them; if you see them running about, it denotes that you will be a great loser by some plan that you will undertake for gain. If you dream you see them busily employed laying in their winter stores, it is a good omen things will prosper with you. If they appear to be devoured by other animals, and otherwise injured and trodden upon, then it is a bad omen. If you dream of these insects when you are sick, you must expect to recover very slowly, and be a long time before you are able to be about.
Dream Source: The Mystic Dream Book

Ants Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 17-23-25-28-48-49

anteater, of an: wil go bankrupt to escape numerous petty irritations.

eating, with wings: failure to perform your duties wil cause a loss of real estate.

worms: use radical measures to rid yourself of false friends.

antenna, an: your ability to transmit and receive energy needs fine tuning.

anthill, being in an: the workplace is too crowded with conformity.

bitten by, being: expect renewed energy at work.

body, on your: become more involved in business venture.

food, of an: heavy industry wil ensure happiness.

house, in the: are examples of successful communal living.

long line of, a: loss of individuality for a cause more important than you alone.

stepping on an anthill: your ambition has provoked animosity in coworkers.

tree, climbing a: vexations to come from new offer of employment.

winged: carelessness at work.

work, at: trifling annoyances wil detract from your progress.

2 dream interpretation about ants related.

Beware of the antsy person with stinging determination to succeed...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

(See Ants)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

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