Alligator Dream Meanings

Alligator Dream Meaning: From 21 Different Sources

alligator image

Alligator Dream Interpretation

Hidden enemies (could be hidden internal patterns causing you to self destruct) and health hazards. This cold-blooded animal could hold several different meanings in your dream. It could symbolically represent something from your memory, emotions, or a current situation or individual in your life. Some think that the alligator represents verbal power used in a destructive way (angry and hurtful words). Others believe that it represents an enemy. Consider the details in your dream and your level of fear. This dream symbol should encourage you to look at some of your more “dangerous” emotions, memories, and experiences.

The alligators in your dreams will begin to lose the power to frighten you as your understanding increases. Carl Jung said that all wild animals indicate latent effects (feelings and emotions that we do not readily deal with). They are also symbolic of dangers (hurtful and negative things) being “swallowed” by the unconscious.

Dream Source: The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Alligator Dream Interpretation

This cold-blooded animal could hold several different meanings in your dream. It could symbolically represent something from your memory, emotions, or a current situation or individual in your life. Some think that the alligator represents verbal power used in a destructive way (angry and hurtful words). Others believe that it represents an enemy. Consider the details in your dream and your level of fear. This dream symbol should encourage you to look at some of your more “dangerous” emotions, memories, and experiences.

The alligators in your dreams will begin to lose the power to frighten you as your understanding increases. Carl Jung said that all wild animals indicate latent affects (feelings and emotions that we do not readily deal with). They are also symbolic of dangers (hurtful and negative things) being “swallowed” by the unconscious.

Dream Source: The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Alligator Dream Interpretation

To see an alligator in your dream represents dishonesty, deception, and a false facade. It may indicate that you should step back and reevaluate your position or view of a certain matter. It may also represent your ability to move between the material world of waking life and the emotional, repressed world of the unconscious. In addition, the alligator can symbolize the ability and talent to cure or revitalize.

To dream that you are running away from the alligator denotes your refusal to face a distressing or upsetting matter. You may be harboring a negative feeling. There is some potentially destructive emotion that you don’t want to admit you possess. According to biblical interpretations, an alligator means that you will fall victim to the sin of arrogance and vanity.

Dream Source: Dream Symbols and Analysis

Alligator Dream Interpretation

All reptiles connect with a primitive orientation toward survival and other basic instincts. Since alligators are water dwellers, their meaning and power are associated with emotional territory. They have a level of ferocity, so they also connect with scary and dangerous feelings that live just below the surface of consciousness. When dreaming of alligators, you are connecting with the power to protect yourself by lying in wait.

The flip side to this is being vulnerable to your own reactivity when matters of emotional vulnerability are present. Alligators relate to precision and control in all states. Alligators and crocodiles are often confused, but the symbolic meaning is essentially the same for both.

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Alligator Dream Interpretation

Alligators most always symbolize a problem! To kill or conquer one means you have overcome a problem.

To be surrounded by one means you have to choose one bad thing to get out of a lot of bad things.

(any way you run you will encounter at least one).

To be eaten or killed by an alligator means the problem that is haunting you is likely to do you harm if not cured.

To have a pet alligator symbolizes great control over one’s problems.

Dream Source: Encyclopedia of Dreams

Alligator Dream Interpretation

1. If surrounded by alligators, the dreamer has to make a choice among equally distasteful choices.

2. If attacked by an alligator, there is a problem that will not go away and must be dealt with.

3. To be able to manage an alligator means that one is in control of one’s problems.

4. An attack is imminent, and it will come in a cunning way, perhaps by best friends.

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

Alligator Dream Interpretation

Someone around you does not have your best interests at heart - and it might be someone whom you feel you can trust. Consider other symbols in the dream to discern how or who. Be very cautious in business ventures of any sort. Consult an attorney before signing any contract or agreement.
Dream Source: Dream Explanations of Astro Center

Alligator Dream Interpretation

Dreams of an alligator symbolize that predatorial energy in your life, or your fear of being eaten alive, overpowered, or pulled into the swamp of your fears. This could be a venting dream helping you to release your fear about the abuse of power.
Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Alligator Dream Interpretation

Tremendous power for verbal expression, which must be watched carefully so not used destructively. Fear of the misuse of verbal power. Integration of physical and emotional energy in a precarious balance.
Dream Source: The Dream Books Symbols

Alligator Dream Interpretation

Fear of being swallowed up by tasks and work. Pay attention to your animalistic aggressions.

Folklore: A warning that an enemy is arriving.

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Alligator Dream Interpretation

An alligator in a dream represents a knowledgeable person who guides people from darkness unto light.

(Also see Crocodile)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Alligator Dream Interpretation

To dream of an alligator, unless you kill it, is unfavorable to all persons connected with the dream.

It is a dream of caution.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Alligator Dream Interpretation

A dream of an alligator is a strong warning. It foretells that you will be deceived by your warmest friends.
Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Alligator Dream Interpretation

To dream of an alligator or a crocodile means danger.

The dreamer must be cautious.

Dream Source: Psycho Dream Interpretation

Alligator Dream Interpretation

A cunning and dangerous enemy.

The Freudians translate this as an erotic dream.

Dream Source: The Fabric of Dream

Alligator Dream Interpretation

One who is destructive and antagonizing in reality, but fakes empathy
Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Alligator Dream Interpretation

A dangerous person or a spiritual enemy
Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Alligator Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 05-21-26-36-46-48

being attacked by an: wil be harassed and ridiculed by your enemies.

confronting an: your unconscious fears cause your irrational actions.

handbag, having: exercise caution with every step, care in each new speculation.

several: enemies surround you with their unconscious forces.

shoes, having: be fearless with each step.

wrestling with an: an argument with a close friend is a misuse of your verbal power.

4 dream interpretation about alligator related.

You will have an accident, brought about by trying to avoid your enemies....

Dream Source: Gypsy Dream Dictionary

To dream of any unjsual animal denotes an enemy, and you should be cautious in speculations or in making new business ventures....

Dream Source: Mystic Dream Book

Floating half submerged by the river bank, the crocodile swims in the murky waters of the unconscious, projecting an image of danger with its jaws and an image of hypocrisy with it...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

1. Big mouth; Gal. 5:15;2. Can drag you down,3. Vicious verbal attack; ) 1 Pet. 5:8;4. The devil; Job 41,1...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

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